Facial Plastic Surgery Los Angeles


Facial Liposuction

Facial liposuction, also called submental or submentum liposuction, is the removal of fat from under the chin using suction. The facial liposuction procedure can significantly reduce excess facial fat, which may cause an overweight appearance or a poorly defined or double chin. The excess fat is often a result of aging, obesity, or heredity and can now be corrected through this minimally invasive procedure that leaves the face looking slimmer and more youthful.

Facial liposuction at our Los Angeles or Beverly Hills facility involves either an intra-oral incision through the mouth or a transdermal incision just under the chin. Scarring is often minimal because the incision is made in a crease of the skin.

Some patients may benefit from a chin implant in addition to liposuction. This makes the chin more prominent and adds balance and symmetry to the face. Facial liposuction can also be done in conjunction with buccal fat extraction, a surgical procedure that extracts excess fat from the cheeks.

Neck Lift

The neck may sag as a result of aging or weight loss, and is often affected before the face. Loose neck muscles can lead to an appearance of bands on the neck or drastic drooping of the skin. A neck lift is a surgical procedure that can smooth and tighten the skin on the neck and provide a more toned, smoothed and youthful appearance. The results of the neck lift procedure offer a drastic improvement to the appearance of the neck and subtle changes to overall appearance as well. A neck lift at the Osborne Head & Neck Institute may be performed alongside a facelift, or may be performed alone, after which your friends and family may not even realize that a surgical procedure was performed.

A neck lift procedure includes both a cervicoplasty to remove excess skin and a platysmaplasty to remove or alter muscles in the neck. Liposuction can also be used to remove excess fat during a neck lift. This procedure takes two to three hours and may be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation, depending on the preference of the patient. Most procedures are performed within an outpatient basis in either our Los Angeles or Beverly Hills facility.

Swelling and bruising may occur shortly after the neck lift procedure and last up to ten days. Most people can return to work and other regular activities within two weeks after a neck lift procedure.

There are certain risks involved in a neck lift, as there is with any surgical procedure, including problems with anesthesia or infection. There is also a risk of facial nerve damage that may occur during surgery and can result in muscle paralysis. Although these complications are rare, they emphasize the importance of choosing a skilled and experienced surgeon for your cosmetic procedures.

Facial Implants

Whether or not we notice it consciously, full cheeks are often a part of how we judge a person’s face. Cheek implants can have a major impact on the appearance and self-confidence of patients whose cheeks have thinned or sunken due to age, illness or other causes. Likewise, the chin helps provide harmony and balance to other facial features. Often, patients come to one of our California offices desiring a smaller nose when, in fact, a chin augmentation provides a balance to the facial features. Implant sizes and shapes to augment the cheek and chin are tailored to each patient’s desired appearance.

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